January 9th and 16th, marked the start of construction for this years boat: Chesapeake Light Crafts
The complexity of this boat is much greater than last years 2 Peace Canoes, but under the direction of George Smith and armed
with great participants and volunteers, all are ready to meet the challenge of this boat. First, we must give thanks to John Harris over at Chesapeake Light Craft for donating the kit, as he truly believes in this project. We have about 1/3 of builders returning from last year as well as a majority of returning volunteers. Joining our volunteers are a number of new, energetic individuals ready to offer assistance and mentoring to our participants.
Both the 1st timers and veteran boat builders, as well as, the volunteers had many interesting things to say as they set foot into the Barge House for the first time this January.
Mr. Joe and Samantha work on tightening
the copper wires.
Nayya: I am interested in building a boat, because I have never done it before. I am looking forward to the new experience. I want to keep using the saw, because it is fun.
Tasia: This is much harder than I expected. It is difficult to thread the wires through the holes for stitching.
Maurice: This year is definitely going to be different, because we did not have to do any stitching last year. Judging by the picture of the boat the dory is going to look "TIGHT!" It is going to be another fun year, the stitching hurts your fingers, but "no pain, no gain."
Peco: Being involved again this year, with a fun project, is much better than sitting at home.
MJ: I had fun the first time, I liked painting the best, so I look forward to when we get to paint again. (Brother) Perry agreed it was a fun project, I just think it is fun to build a boat and I look forward to getting to row this one.
Crystal: I think building boats is interesting. I had fun building the Peace Canoe and I was so glad that it did not sink.
Enner: Call me the "Re-Enforcer" I like making sure everything is done right.
Samantha: I like working together and think everyone involved is nice, that is why I came to experience what it is like to build a boat.
Tavon works with the Japanese saw.
When speaking with the volunteers the joy of working with the kids was the number one reason they came back or got involved with the project for the firs time this year. They were also excited to learn along side the kids a new skill. Being in the Barge House, a closer setting, makes for it easier to focus and get to know the participants better.